Quick start guide

Overview of the package

pyModbusTCP give access to modbus/TCP server through the ModbusClient object. This class is define in the client module.

Since version 0.1.0, a server is available as ModbusServer class. This server is currently in test (API can change at any time).

To deal with frequent need of modbus data mangling (for example convert 32 bits IEEE float to 2x16 bits words) a special module named utils provide some helpful functions.

Package map:


Package setup

from PyPi:

# for Python 2
sudo pip2 install pyModbusTCP
# or for Python 3
sudo pip3 install pyModbusTCP
# upgrade from an older release
sudo pip3 install pyModbusTCP --upgrade

from Github:

git clone https://github.com/sourceperl/pyModbusTCP.git
cd pyModbusTCP
# here change "python" by your python target(s) version(s) (like python3.2)
sudo python setup.py install

ModbusClient: init

init module from constructor (raise ValueError if host/port error):

from pyModbusTCP.client import ModbusClient
    c = ModbusClient(host="localhost", port=502)
except ValueError:
    print("Error with host or port params")

you can also init module from functions host/port return None if error:

from pyModbusTCP.client import ModbusClient
c = ModbusClient()
if not c.host("localhost"):
    print("host error")
if not c.port(502):
    print("port error")

ModbusClient: available modbus requests functions

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modbus for full table.

Domain Function name Function code ModbusClient function
Bit Read Discrete Inputs 2 read_discrete_inputs()
Read Coils 1 read_coils()
Write Single Coil 5 write_single_coil()
Write Multiple Coils 15 write_multiple_coils()
Register Read Input Registers 4 read_input_registers()
Read Holding Registers 3 read_holding_registers()
Write Single Register 6 write_single_register()
Write Multiple Registers 16 write_multiple_registers()
Read/Write Multiple Registers 23 n/a
Mask Write Register 22 n/a
File Read FIFO Queue 24 n/a
Read File Record 20 n/a
Write File Record 21 n/a
Read Exception Status 7 n/a
Diagnostic Diagnostic 8 n/a
Get Com Event Counter 11 n/a
Get Com Event Log 12 n/a
Report Slave ID 17 n/a
Read Device Identification 43 n/a

ModbusClient: debug mode

If need, you can enable a debug mode for ModbusClient like this:

from pyModbusTCP.client import ModbusClient
c = ModbusClient(host="localhost", port=502, debug=True)



when debug is enable all debug message is print on console and you can see modbus frame:

c.read_holding_registers(0, 4)


[E7 53 00 00 00 06 01] 03 00 00 00 04
[E7 53 00 00 00 0B 01] 03 08 00 00 00 6F 00 00 00 00
[0, 111, 0, 0]

utils module: Modbus data mangling

Sample data mangling, usefull for interface PLC device.

  • 16 bits to 32 bits integers:

    from pyModbusTCP import utils
    list_16_bits = [0x0123, 0x4567, 0x89ab, 0xcdef]
    # big endian sample (default)
    list_32_bits = utils.word_list_to_long(list_16_bits)
    # display "['0x1234567', '0x89abcdef']"
    print([hex(i) for i in list_32_bits])
    # little endian sample
    list_32_bits = utils.word_list_to_long(list_16_bits, big_endian=False)
    # display "['0x45670123', '0xcdef89ab']"
    print([hex(i) for i in list_32_bits])
  • two’s complement (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two%27s_complement):

    from pyModbusTCP import utils
    list_16_bits = [0x0000, 0xFFFF, 0x00FF, 0x8001]
    # display "[0, -1, 255, -32767]"
    print(utils.get_list_2comp(list_16_bits, 16))
    # display "-1"
    print(utils.get_2comp(list_16_bits[1], 16))
  • an integer of val_size bits (default is 16) to an array of boolean:

    from pyModbusTCP import utils
    # display "[True, False, True, False, False, False, False, False]"
    print(utils.get_bits_from_int(0x05, val_size=8))
  • IEEE single/double precision floating-point:

    from pyModbusTCP import utils
    # 32 bits IEEE single precision
    # encode : python float 0.3 -> int 0x3e99999a
    # display "0x3e99999a"
    # decode: python int 0x3e99999a -> float 0.3
    # display "0.300000011921" (it's not 0.3, precision leak with float...)
    # 64 bits IEEE double precision
    # encode: python float 6.62606957e-34 -> int 0x390b860bb596a559
    # display "0x390b860bb596a559"
    print(hex(utils.encode_ieee(6.62606957e-34, double=True)))
    # decode: python int 0x390b860bb596a559 -> float 6.62606957e-34
    # display "6.62606957e-34"
    print(utils.decode_ieee(0x390b860bb596a559, double=True))